Beef Recipes

Basic Steak

BBQ Beef Short Ribs


  • However many big ole steaks you want but you want them 1-2 inches thick
  • ¼ stick of butter
  • 1 tablespoons kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoons coarse ground black pepper or even better cracked black pepper
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil (this is an irrelevant measurement but it looks better doesn’t it)
  • 1 tablespoon smoked paprika


Step 1

Mix all of your dry seasonings together, it really doesn’t matter here as long as salt and pepper are involved….and you really can’t go wrong with most pre mixed rubs either but keep in mind a good steak really doesn’t need anything other than salt and pepper. Rub the seasoning on the steak and let sit until it’s no longer cold, probably about an hour.

Step 2

Get a griddle pan extremely hot, or use a grill if you have one but a griddle pan is relatively cheap and is good in all weather.

Step 3

Drizzle olive oil in the pan and immediately place the steak in there.

Step 4

Cook for 3 minutes, then flip, wait 3 minutes then flip again but rotating the steak 45 degrees, then 3 minutes and flip again. On this last flip take a nice fat pat of butter and lay it right on top of the steak. …Does it need this…absolutely not but if you really cared about yourself you would be eating kale not steak so 2 tears in a bucket am I right?

Step 5

This timing will get the steak medium rare adjust timing for more well done….that and go eat chicken you’re ruining a good steak.

Step 6

Once the steak is finished let it rest for about 10 minutes, and dig in

Serves 4-6

Wine Pairing : Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Malbec

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